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Reasons To Adopting A MERN Stack In 2024
Thе MERN stack is a popular web development framework that simplifiеs building full-stack and dynamic web interfaces and wеb applications. The MERN full form is MongoDB, Exprеss.js, Rеact.js, and Nodе.js—each representing a key technology in thе stack and these all are JavaScript libraries.
Tips for optimizing React performance in 2024
When working with a React Js application, developers and product owners frequently worry about performance problems. They are unable to utilise React framework’s magnificent advantages because of this unpopular belief.
Virtual DOM in React
Virtual DOM is a fundamental React concept which helps React to improve the re-rendering performance whenever the DOM is updated. In this article, we will cover what the virtual DOM is, exploring its benefits using a practical example. Let’s get started!
Getting Started with NextJS
NextJS is a the React framework for production - it makes building fullstack React apps and sites a breeze and ships with built-in SSR.
Mastering JavaScript
JavaScript is the most important programming language for web development. You probably don't know it well enough!